Park City Sewer Problem Signs: Bill Increase, Noises, Extended Run

There are several important drain components involved in your home’s plumbing system, and perhaps the single most significant is your main sewer line. This line pulls from various drains that connect to it, and also provides your home its connection to your public water and sewer system — meaning that if issues arise in this main sewer line, they are problematic and should be addressed immediately.

At My Buddy the Plumber in Park City, we’re happy to help with a variety of plumbing repair jobs, including trenchless sewer line repair and other services that help remedy issues taking place in your main line. Before we can properly apply these solutions, however, we have to be able to identify the main sewer line issue — and this is an area where homeowner assistance often plays a role. Over this two-part blog series, we’ll discuss several signs that might indicate a main sewer line issue in your home, plus how you should respond to each if you notice them.

sewer problem signs bill

Major Water Bill Increases

In some cases, an increase to your water bill will be for an expected reason, such as new sprinkler installation. When there’s no such good explanation for your water bill to be increasing, however, this might be happening due to a leak in the main sewer line.

This is often the first sort of indication that you’re having a main sewer line issue, especially if your water bill was significantly lower in previous months. This sign will often be present even if other common signs are not.

Strange Sounds from Water Pipes

Another possible sign of a main sewer line clog is the presence of strange noises from within your pipes. These noises might include:

  • Popping or hissing sounds
  • The sound of pipe expansion or contraction
  • Gurgling sounds, or other strange noises you can’t easily identify

If these types of noises are coming from within your pipes and aren’t normal for them, give us a call. We’ll do our best to determine what’s causing the issue, whether it’s a main sewer line concern or something else going on within your pipes.

Extended Running of Toilets and Faucets

If your toilets or faucets in one area of your house are running more often than normal, this could be a sign that there’s too much water pressure in the main sewer line. If it’s coming from pipes within just one part of the house, you might also have an issue with a blockage or leak in the main line — and if it’s coming from several different faucets, you might be experiencing an issue within your sub-drain lines.

These signs are fairly easy for homeowners to notice, so if something like this is happening in your home, give us call. For more on noting a main sewer line issue, or to learn about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, speak to the staff at My Buddy the Plumber in Park City today.