Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats just keep gaining popularity, as well they should! When you can have complete control over the temperature in your Park City home and set it to automatically adjust, you save money – it’s that simple. Why pay more than you have to for heating and cooling? It’s possible to save considerably more than you thought you could by leveraging modern technology to your benefit, and My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air can help.

Save on Monthly Energy Bills Now with Smart Thermonstats!

The first month after you install a smart thermostat, prepare to be amazed. It’s incredible how much energy is wasted every day by inefficient systems and human error. Maybe the weather turned spring-like and you opened the windows…but forgot to turn the heat off. Maybe you left for the work day but kept the A/C system pumping out a cool 66 degrees all day long. It’s surprising how quickly this adds up and it will cost you significantly over time.

On the other hand, smart technology makes it easier for you to decrease energy waste by taking the pressure off you. Programmable, learning thermostats can adjust based on when you are in the home and keep systems running on energy-saving mode when you’re away. Heating and cooling is responsible for about 50 percent of your entire home’s energy usage, and smart thermostats can help you save about 20 percent on this portion of your bill. That will add up fast!

old thermostat

Use Technology to Enhance Comfort and Convenience

It’s not just about the money you’ll save using smart thermostats – it’s about the comfort you’ll enjoy, without the hassle. If you’re cold while you’re in bed, open the app on your smartphone and adjust the heat easily. If you forgot to turn down the heat before you left for work, make a quick adjustment once you arrive at your desk. Remote access offers you connectivity, and the convenience will lower your stress along with your energy bills.

Add Value to Your Park City Home with Smart Thermostats

Everyone loves smart thermostats! They’re popular because they look sleek and modern, and they work well. You will quickly add value to your home by replacing your old thermostats with these, and if you’re getting ready to sell, it’s something a prospective buyer will notice. Of course, you could always remove them and bring them along when you move. Either way, it’s an investment that pays off.

smart thermostats

Let Our Experts Handle the Job

Here’s the thing – you don’t want just anyone installing your smart thermostats. It takes a heating expert to ensure they are fully integrated with your heating system, and that expert is My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air. We work with Park City homeowners to configure all types of smart technology upgrades, including smart thermostats of any brand. Contact us today to learn more and get a quote for your home.