
Home and HVAC Tips for Preventing Dust Mites

14-May-2019 Comments seoteam

If you’re one of many people who suffer from seasonal allergies, the spring can be a rough time of year for you. This is due to the heightened presence of several possible allerg ...

Spring Plumbing Maintenance Areas to Consider

21-Apr-2019 Comments seoteam

The spring period is one where homeowners everywhere can perform some important areas of maintenance. This includes identifying issues from the winter and correcting them, plus pre ...

Buying a High-Efficiency Furnace Is a Wise Smart Investment

12-Mar-2019 Comments seoteam

Upgrade to a high-efficiency furnace, and you’ll have consistent home comfort with reduced energy consumption. Your heating bills will go down and you’ll reduce your impact on ...

Causes and Responses for Winter Pipe Freezing

12-Feb-2019 Comments seoteam

For Park City and other Utah residents, an extended and cold winter means increased risks of freezing water and ice. This basic reality can have negative impacts in several areas, ...

The Leap Made by Smart Thermostats

24-Jan-2019 Comments seoteam

Technology brings us some pretty amazing capabilities in our homes, and this includes important heating and cooling areas. Where homes even a decade or two ago had to be manually a ...

Primer on Common Plunger Types

22-Nov-2018 Comments My Buddy The Plumber

If you asked 100 people to name the first plumbing tool that comes to mind, chances are a good percentage would name the plunger. A common item found in virtually every home or bui ...

Are Leaks Causing Your Spiking Water Bill?

20-Jan-2018 Comments seoteam

According to the United States Geological Survey, the average American uses between 80 and 100 gallons of water per day. But in some cases, the savvy and attentive homeowner might ...