Preparing Furnace Components for Upcoming Winter, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the important preparation areas for your furnace and heating system headed into the meat of he Utah winter. Taking a few minor precautions or steps to get the furnace ready for its most stressful season will go a long way toward keeping you and your family warm this winter without any hassle or need for repairs.

At My Buddy the Plumber in Park City, we offer a wide range of furnace services, including furnace installation, furnace repair and everything in between. In today’s part two, we’ll go over several additional areas to look at, including a few very basic checks or cleaning tasks you can perform to keep the furnace and its related components running optimally this winter.


Air Vents and Ducts

One major area to keep in mind here is ensuring that warm air is able to travel freely and easily to every area of the home. This involves making sure there are no blocked or closed air vents or ducts – ensure they’re all open, to begin with, and make sure they aren’t blocked by furniture, plants or anything else that may be present in a given room.

In addition, take the time to inspect and clean vent and duct areas wherever possible. Damaged or dirty airflow areas limit the ability of warm air to flow properly, increasing your bills and stressing your system. Regular duct maintenance should be performed by one of our HVAC professionals, often as part of a fall or early winter furnace checkup.

Igniter Switch or Pilot

For older HVAC systems, you may still have to worry about your pilot switch, which might have to be re-lit a winter begins. For newer systems, though, which are more common today, you will have to use the electronic ignitor switch. If this switch isn’t working, push the reset button.

If this still doesn’t do the trick, check your electrical breaker to ensure everything is connected. If you still can’t figure it out, call our pros for assistance.

Chimney and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Chimneys are often one of the home’s primary sources of carbon monoxide, which can be dangerous and harmful to humans. Not only should they be inspected regularly, especially if you use your fireplace often, you should also ensure your home’s carbon monoxide detectors are in good shape and working properly before winter begins.


Finally, take some time to clean your home of dust, dirt and other debris. The winter involves fewer open windows and doors, meaning keeping your air quality high can be a bit tougher and present a greater strain on your HVAC filters. If your home is cleaned of contaminants ahead of time, though, this makes it easier on the entire system and may significantly lower your heating costs.

For more on how to prepare your furnace and HVAC system for the winter, or to learn about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, speak to the staff at My Buddy the Plumber in Park City today.