The Leap Made by Smart Thermostats

Technology brings us some pretty amazing capabilities in our homes, and this includes important heating and cooling areas. Where homes even a decade or two ago had to be manually adjusted every time you wanted the temperature to be different, today’s technology allows this to happen automatically based on your schedule and whether you’re even home at all.

At My Buddy the Plumber in Park City, we have all the latest such technology on hand if your home needs an upgrade. One of the most popular modern pieces of equipment here is the smart thermostat, which has exploded in recent years based on the way it not only makes life more convenient for you, but does so while saving you money on your utility bill each month. Let’s look at the technology leap that took place when smart thermostats hit the market, how they get better with time, and how they even improve on standard manual uses as well.

Leap From Programmable to Smart Thermostats

Several decades ago, programmable thermostats hit the scene and changed home heating and cooling for good. Instead of homeowners being forced to get up and walk to the thermostat every time they needed to alter the temperature, they were able to digitally program a basic schedule that would handle a lot of this for them. Programmable thermostats allow you to schedule the hours you’re at work and don’t need the home at a comfortable temperature, for instance, or when you go to sleep and want the temperature in a given range.

Smart thermostats, however, made an exponential leap on top of this original jump. Not only do smart thermostats allow for this same kind of programming, they actively take part it in themselves – they “learn” your heating and cooling habits over time, helping maximize your efficiency while keeping your bill low. They’re generally far more efficient than even the most diligent homeowner could be with a programmable option, and that’s before discussing how convenient they are.

Learning Over Time

For the first few days you own a smart thermostat, you’ll have to “train” it, so to speak. These early days or weeks will be similar to life with a programmable thermostat in many ways – except that every time you make a tweak, your smart thermostat will remember the desired temperature, the time of day, and several other factors that will help it make those decisions automatically in the future.

For the first few days you own a smart thermostat, you’ll have to “train” it, so to speak. These early days or weeks will be similar to life with a programmable thermostat in many ways – except that every time you make a tweak, your smart thermostat will remember the desired temperature, the time of day, and several other factors that will help it make those decisions automatically in the future.

Manual Use

And for any periods where you need to switch back to manual operation temporarily, this is far more convenient than previous technology allowed. You can connect to a smart thermostat with your smartphone and a simple app, allowing you to adjust the thermostat from anywhere with just the push of a button.

For more on how a smart thermostat works and benefits you, or to learn about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, speak to the pros at My Buddy the Plumber in Park City today.