Trenchless Sewer Line Repair
What’s the best way to fix a sewer line problem? If you answered trenchless sewer line repair, you are correct! While traditional repair methods call for digging up the entire pipe, finding the crack or damaged area, and then starting the repair process, we take a different approach. We can completely fix your sewer line without ruining your landscaping! Trenchless sewer line repair is the best modern alternative, and it just so happens, My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air know just how to do it best.
Regular Sewer Line Repair Adds Up Fast for Park City Homeowners
When homeowners in Park City hear “you need a sewer line repair,” it’s easy to let the panic set in. What will it cost? How long will it take? You picture a backhoe digging up your lawn and you start to cringe. Everyone has heard a horror story related to sewer lines, so it’s easy to immediately think about the worst case scenario.
If you opt for the traditional route, yes – sewer line repair can add up very quickly. The cost of diagnosing the problem alone can be high, as it’s necessary to expose the sewer line in order to see the full extent of the issue. Then, if the entire pipe has to be replaced, the process of digging up the old line and replacing it with a new one is time-consuming. It requires machinery and manpower, and both of those add up. What is the alternative? Trenchless sewer line repair!

Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Means: No Digging – No Mess!
With no need for digging, trenchless sewer line repair instantly saves you money on the flat costs for the plumbing work. That’s the first benefit. But it also saves you money by preserving your landscaping. You don’t have to replant and reseed the grass and flowers you slaved over! That is sweat equity and actual equity you maintain. Third, think about the inconvenience of having to wait out a time-intensive sewer line replacement. You can’t use your plumbing system for the duration.
But with trenchless sewer line repair, there is no digging, no mess and best of all, it’s completed fast. How does it work? We create new, sturdy pipe within the existing pipe. This corrects all defects that may have interrupted sewer line function, but there is no need to completely tear up your yard in the process. Whether you have tree roots growing into the line or the pipe is simply cracked due to age, trenchless repair works.
We’re on Your Side
We know sewer line problems aren’t fun, but they don’t have to be hard to correct. You can get an effective fix with My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air on the job. We are here to help you. Don’t wait – call us as soon as you notice a sewer line issue. Restoring your plumbing function is our top priority, so we will make sure you get an instant response. We’ll also provide a free quote for trenchless sewer line repair so that you know what to expect going in to the project.