Water Filtration Systems

Don’t drink the tap water! How many times have you had to tell your guests this? Not only does it not taste great, you have serious suspicions about the quality. You don’t have any control over what’s in the water you drink, bathe in and wash your clothes and dishes with…or do you?

My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air fields plenty of concerned calls from Park City residents who want to know what their water filtration system options are. We have helped them find an effective resolution and we can help you too.

Don’t Settle for Bad Water Quality in Your Park City Home

Bad water quality affects everything. The food you cook, the dishes you eat off, the showers you take – even if you run your drinking water through a filter, you’re still immersing yourself in unknown contaminants and it can’t be good for your health long-term. Just purchasing bottled water at the store isn’t going to fix the issue. You need a comprehensive, house-wide solution, and My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air’s water filtration system installations is the answer.

girl smiling with glass of water - water filtration systems

How Reverse Osmosis Helps

A reverse osmosis filter immediately enhances the quality of your water. It uses air pressure to push water through a semi-permeable membrane which then traps all contaminants. All the chemicals you don’t want to drink like chlorine, and all the metals you don’t want consume like lead, are completely filtered out. It’s safe to drink and you don’t have to rush to stop your guests from filling a glass from the tap – your water is clean and healthy.

Beyond making you feel better about the water you drink, a water filtration system will also add value to your home. If you prefer clean water, so does your prospective buyer! It will always be a selling point you can use to your advantage if you plan on moving anytime soon.

The Installation of Water Filtration Systems

The installation process is straightforward when you work with My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air. First, we can test your water to see what you’re actually consuming without even knowing it. Then, we size the system appropriately based on the number of people in your home and your water usage. You will get a complete quote on the price of the unit, and you’ll know how much you’ll pay in labor before we start work.

Clean, Pure Water Is Always Worth It

After we complete the job, you’ll be another Park City homeowner we’ve helped achieve the level of clean they need when it comes to the water they drink and wash with on a daily basis. Trust My Buddy The Plumber Heating & Air for respectful service, as we always show up on time and we never inflate our budgets. We want to be your plumber for life, and it starts with delivering the water quality you deserve.