HVAC Mold Identification and Prevention Tactics

For those who own a home or business and want to keep the occupants safe and healthy, one important consideration is limiting the risks of mold formation. Mold, which commonly forms in damp, moist areas that are not addressed for periods at a time, can pose several major negatives, from exacerbation of respiratory issues like asthma or allergies to foul odors, deteriorating home structures and even major health concerns to humans and pets alike.

At My Buddy the Plumber in Park City, our plumbers and HVAC professionals are well aware of the risks of mold, both in terms of its formation and the health risks it poses. Whether we’re assisting you with central air conditioning, duct cleaning or one of several other HVAC areas, we always keep a careful eye on locations where mold could become an issue – and we’ll offer you several tips on how to keep it far away from your HVAC system, where it could get into your air and cause big health issues. Here are some general areas to keep an eye on:

Mold Identification

There are a couple ways to identify mold, and the simplest of them relate back to your basic senses. Firstly, mold is often identified by simply being seen – areas like ducts, registers, coils and drip pans all may contain bits of moisture, and therefore could be areas where mold collects, so you should keep an eye on visible areas here. You’ll often see mold spores or actual mold particles, ranging in color from black to orange, blue, white or even yellow.

Another major sense that will help you detect mold? Your sense of smell. Mold tends to give off a mildew-like scent that can often become foul over a period of time, and this smell will become more and more pervasive around the home if mold is growing in your HVAC system somewhere. A good way to test this is to turn off the HVAC system for 30 minutes to an hour – if you notice the smell dissipates during this time, the mold is somewhere in your ductwork or system.

Mold Prevention

Some basic preventive measures to help you stay completely clear of mold risks in your home:

  • Ensure all ducts are properly sealed and do not contain leaks that might allow moisture or condensation inside.
  • If you notice such moisture, call us immediately for sealing or other repairs.
  • Regularly replace your HVAC filters – these will not prevent mold in every case, but will help filter negative particles.
  • Regularly clean your drip pans and other HVAC areas, keeping them free of dirt or dust.
  • Perform standard professional HVAC maintenance, where our pros will inspect your entire system for several risks, including mold.

For more on preventing mold from forming in your HVAC system, or to learn about any of our plumbing or heating and air services, speak to the staff at My Buddy the Plumber today.